中心主任介紹 Director Introduction
── 學歷 ──
美國紐約大學物理治療 博士 PhD. Institute in Physical Therapy, New York University, USA
美國紐約大學物理治療 碩士 MS. in Physical Therapy, New York University, USA
國立台灣大學物理治療 學士 BS. in Physical Therapy, National Taiwan University
── 專長 ──
長期照顧服務與給付支付 Long-Term Care Services and Benefit Payments
輔助科技暨無障礙環境改善服務與福利補助政策 Assistive Technology and Accessibility Environment Improvement Services and Welfare Subsidy Policies
ICF(國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統) ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health)
認知症(失智症) Dementia (Alzheimer’s Disease)
健康促進與生活型態介入 Health Promotion and Lifestyle Interventions
神經及兒童復健介入及長期照顧 Neurological and Pediatric Rehabilitation Interventions and Long-Term Care
── 現職 ──
國立陽明交通大學物理治療暨輔助科技學系 副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy and Assistive Technology, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University
國立陽明交通大學「ICF暨輔助科技研究中心」主任 Director of the ‘ICF and Assistive Technology Research Center’, National Yang Ming University
衛福部社家署「多功能輔具資源整合推廣中心」主任 Director of the ‘Multifunctional Assistive Device Resource Integration Promotion Center’, Ministry of Health and Welfare
勞動部勞發署「北基宜花金馬區職務再設計專案單位」主任 Director of the ‘Job Redesign Project Unit for Northern Taiwan, Keelung, Yilan, and Hualien Regions’, Labor and Development Bureau, Ministry of Labor
ATLife臺灣輔具暨長期照護大展 主辦人 Organizer of the Taiwan Assistive Device and Long-Term Care Expo (ATLife)
行政院長期照顧推動小組第3屆委員 Member of the Long-Term Care Promotion Group, Executive Yuan
衛福部社家署身心障礙者ICF需求評估工具研發者暨ICF工具訓練教師 Developer of ICF-based assessment tools for the Ministry of Health and Welfare and qualified trainer for assessment personnel
衛福部「長照輔具及居家無障礙環境改善服務」工作小組委員 Member of the Long-Term Care Assistive Device and Home Accessibility Improvement Services Working Group, Ministry of Health and Welfare
衛福部「高齡健康與長照研究中心」策略規劃小組委員 Member of the Strategy Planning Group, Center for Gerontology and Long-Term Care Research, Ministry of Health and Welfare
衛福部食藥署「醫療器材標準採認」專家小組委員 Member of the Medical Device Standards Recognition Expert Panel, Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare
經濟部標檢局「國家標準審查委員會」民生分組委員 Member of the National Standards for Consumer Goods Subcommittee, Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs
經濟部標檢局「衛生及醫療器材國家標準技術委員會」委員 Member of the National Standards Technical Committee for Health and Medical Devices, Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs
財團法人藥害救濟基金會「醫療器材上市後安全監控及管理」專家小組委員 Expert Panel Member for Post-Market Safety Monitoring and Management of Medical Devices, Pharmaceutical Adverse Reaction Relief Foundation
衛福部社家署「輔具之友」總編輯 Chief Editor of ‘Friends of Assistive Devices’, Social and Family Affairs Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare
── 經歷 ──
曾任行政院身心障礙者權益推動小組第一屆委員 Member of the First Committee for Promoting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities under the Executive Yuan
曾任內政部發展遲緩兒童早期療育服務推動小組 委員Committee Member of the Early Intervention Services Promotion Group for Developmentally Delayed Children under the Ministry of the Interior
曾任臺北市物理治療師公會 總幹事Former Secretary-General of the Taipei City Physical Therapist Association
曾任美國紐約大學物理治療學系 助教暨兼任講師Former Assistant Instructor and Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Physical Therapy, New York University, USA
曾任美國執業物理治療師Former Licensed Physical Therapist in the United States